quinta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2006

Falsificações da História

As falsificações da História são matéria antiga. A história à volta do livro de Gavin Menzies já percorreu mundo e chegou longe. A adulteração de todo o processo científico leva a estas situações. Acerca disto chegou-me uma mensagem que elucida a forma como estas patranhas são levadas a sério no estrangeiro. Para que conste aqui fica a descrição do site onde se refutam os delírios de Menzies:
"The http://www.1421exposed.com and http://www.1421exposed.tv joint websites have been set up by aninternational group of academics and researchers who are greatlyconcerned about the myths being created and perpetuated by GavinMenzies, his group and his publishers. In his book '1421: The Year China Discovered the World' Menzies claimed Chinese admiral Zheng Hehad circumnavigated the globe, in the process 'discovering' most ofthe world. Subsequent media coverage has failed to accurately presentto the public the large body of evidence that Menzies' claim is a fabrication, without any basis in fact. The purpose of this websiteis to present that evidence, and ensure that history is not rewrittenby publishers more interested in short-sighted marketing campaignsthat ensure their financial security, rather than intellectual integrity and public enlightenment."

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